The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 42 Hour 1 04-28-2023 – Dr John Shieh from Rejuvayou Med Spa, Tucker Carlson first video post his firing from Fox nets 60 million impressions, and does the future of the WNBA rest with biological men playing and identifying as women?
The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 42 Hour 1 04-28-2023 - Dr John Shieh from Rejuvayou Med Spa, Tucker Carlson first video post his firing from Fox nets 60 million impressions, and does the future of the WNBA rest with biological men playing and identifying as women?
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The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 42 Hour 1 04-28-2023 – Dr John Shieh from Rejuvayou Med Spa, Tucker Carlson first video post his firing from Fox nets 60 million impressions, and does the future of the WNBA rest with biological men playing and identifying as women?