The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 44 Hour 2 05-12-2023 – What the Kentucky Derby can tell us about gender sanity. Tucker Carlson says manufactured media lies can end democracy. And Anheuser-Busch CEO blames Bud Light boycott on misinformation.

The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 44 Hour 2 05-12-2023 – What the Kentucky Derby can tell us about gender sanity. Tucker Carlson says manufactured media lies can end democracy. And Anheuser-Busch CEO blames Bud Light boycott on misinformation.

The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 44 Hour 1 05-12-2023 – What the Kentucky Derby can tell us about gender sanity. Tucker Carlson says manufactured media lies can end democracy. And Anheuser-Busch CEO blames Bud Light boycott on misinformation.

The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 44 Hour 1 05-12-2023 – What the Kentucky Derby can tell us about gender sanity. Tucker Carlson says manufactured media lies can end democracy. And Anheuser-Busch CEO blames Bud Light boycott on misinformation.

The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 43 Hour 2 05-05-2023 – The “Godfather of AI” quits Google to sound the alarm over the dangers of Artificial Intelligence. Robert F Kennedy Jr declares his candidacy for president and says that the issue of “climate change” is being exploited to push Totalitarianism. And a principal is forced to resign after assigning an art lesson to 12 years old on the life of Michelangelo.

The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 43 Hour 2 05-05-2023 – The “Godfather of AI” quits Google to sound the alarm over the dangers of Artificial Intelligence. Robert F Kennedy Jr declares his candidacy for president and says that the issue of “climate change” is being exploited to push Totalitarianism. And a principal is forced…

The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 43 Hour 1 05-05-2023 – The “Godfather of AI” quits Google to sound the alarm over the dangers of Artificial Intelligence. Robert F Kennedy Jr declares his candidacy for president and says that the issue of “climate change” is being exploited to push Totalitarianism. And a principal is forced to resign after assigning an art lesson to 12 years old on the life of Michelangelo.

The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 43 Hour 1 05-05-2023 – The “Godfather of AI” quits Google to sound the alarm over the dangers of Artificial Intelligence. Robert F Kennedy Jr declares his candidacy for president and says that the issue of “climate change” is being exploited to push Totalitarianism. And a principal is forced…

The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 42 Hour 2 04-28-2023 – Dr John Shieh from Rejuvayou Med Spa, Tucker Carlson first video post his firing from Fox nets 60 million impressions, and does the future of the WNBA rest with biological men playing and identifying as women?

The Frank Sontag Radio Show Week 42 Hour 2 04-28-2023 – Dr John Shieh from Rejuvayou Med Spa, Tucker Carlson first video post his firing from Fox nets 60 million impressions, and does the future of the WNBA rest with biological men playing and identifying as women?